Thursday, January 1, 2015


I’m not a fan. Personally, it does not mean anything to me but a school work. I think it is so old school. I hear a lot from people that they cannot keep up with their resolution list. Some even make fun of it like a good joke, everyone would cry out laughing.

“My goal for 2015 is to accomplish my goals from 2014, which I should have completed in 2013 because I planned them in 2012.”

So what’s the point of making one?

In several occasions, I find that literally writing my plans has more chances of successfully accomplishing them. Documentation is somewhat permanent and serves as evidence. Composing a thought and putting it into writing enables me to visualize things that I want to happen. In most inspirational phrases it is commonly quoted that visualizing our goals adds to the success of our dreams and writing them make us remember it more. It must be why notebooks and planners are invented.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
-    Napoleon Hill
Will I finally make one?
I will not. But I will continue writing my big and mini goals, because it works better for me. Well, that one must be counted as a resolution isn’t it? Whatever the manner maybe, the important thing is we dream of something and we take actions to achieve them.
Photo from
How about you, what are your goals this year?